Fallout 4 how to make a radio station
Fallout 4 how to make a radio station

I began working on a radio station for Fallout 3 briefly in 2009, but I never completed it since it just didn’t feel necessary. Do not reproduce without permission.What inspired you to tackle a radio station mod for ‘Fallout 4’? However, the bugs happen a lot of time, so fans are expecting a fix as soon as possible.įallout 4 can be played on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Rumors suggest that the mod still needs a lot of improvements, even though it is running properly. However, the glitch brings lag into the game, as well as loud cat noises. It is quite amazing seeing a lot of cats in one room.

fallout 4 how to make a radio station

It is because of a bug, which cause the cats to be visible. There has been a lot of players that are seeing the cats in the radio stations. How To See The Invisible Cats In The Old World Radio Boston Mod For Fallout 4? They will also be deleted after three seconds to prevent lags. The cats are invisible and silent, so players cannot see them when they go to the radio station. Fans are impressed in this idea, which seems very unusual. The cats will make the radio stations active while the player is listening to other radio stations. Brandoman says that the mod spawns over 500 cats when the radio stations became inactive. Recently, players are shocked when Brandoman said that the Old World Radio Boston mod is being managed by cats in the game. Invisible Cats Are Running The Old World Radio Boston Mod In Fallout 4 Recently, the creator of the mod named Brandoman, says that cats are the ones responsible for running the radio stations. It is the Old World Radio Boston mod, where players can listen to music all the time.

fallout 4 how to make a radio station

There are massive number of mods around the internet, but there is one that amazed a lot of fans. However, fans believed that Fallout 4 will be fully enjoyed by using mods on it. There are a lot of things that will surely keep the players busy in this game. Fallout 4 has been enjoyed by many fans until now.

Fallout 4 how to make a radio station